No. According to Alameda County election law, all qualified candidates must be US citizens and registered voters. Our canine candidate is neither, but as we said in the preamble to our candidate’s platform, no individual – human or otherwise – should be granted the executive power to overrule the will of the people. Executive authority was created as an expedient amendment to democratic principle at the inception of the Roman Republic (509 b.c.e.) to manage a population deemed by the wealthiest citizens to be too ignorant to govern themselves. This same tactic was adopted by the similarly financially-privileged drafters of the US Constitution. Candidate Einstein challenges the assumption that the residents of Oakland are too ignorant and vacillating to play a more active role in governing themselves than to vote for others to represent or misrepresent them. Voting for Einstein means voting against executive power and against domination by the Chamber of Commerce, which is beholden to the exploitative strategies of Wall St. Voting for Einstein is a way of proclaiming our faith in consensus, compassion, and the maxim that we all do well when we all do well.
2. Will my ballot be spoiled if I write in “Einstein” as one of my ranked choices for Mayor?
California law states that votes for unofficial write-in candidates shall not be counted. The Charter of the City of Oaklandmakes no further stipulations. No prohibition of writing in an unofficial candidate’s name is anywhere expressed; therefore, since actions not prohibited by law are legal, a ballot must not be spoiled by writing Einstein as one of your ranked choices. In other words, if you write-in your #1 choice as Einstein, your #2 and #3 choices will still be counted.
3. Will we be able to find out how many votes were cast for Einstein?
After the election, the Committee to Elect Einstein will file a public records request with the Alameda County Registrar of Voters. If we can assemble enough volunteers, we’ll count the votes for Einstein.